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Terms and conditions of use

When accessing DONUM website, the user subscribes to the Terms and Conditions of Use mentioned below.

The website with the domain name www.donum.pt and www.donum.store including all sub-pages, is owned by DONUM STORE LDA, hereinafter referred to as DONUM.

All information and content available on the site including images, videos, texts and information, logos and graphic design or any document contained therein, are industrial and intellectual property of DONUM or third parties that authorized their inclusion, and cannot be used outside admitted conditions.

Unless otherwise provided by law, it is expressly forbidden to copy, store, reproduce, change, transmit, disclose, commercialize or, in any other way, make information available through this website accessible to third parties, unless it is for personal and non-commercial use. The possible use of information, namely when authorized, should always refer to the source.

Any attempt to change and upload information, or any other action that may cause damage and put the system at risk, is strictly forbidden and may be punished in accordance with the law in force.

DONUM provides information about the company on this website, seeking to make it accurate, relevant, complete and up-to-date. However, DONUM cannot guarantee the absence of errors and / or omissions and will correct them as soon as they are notified and / or are aware of them.

The information on this website does not constitute any offer or recommendation by DONUM, so any decision based on them is the sole responsibility of its user. It is DONUM's goal to minimize the inconvenience caused by technical errors. However, certain data or information contained in this website may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not free from errors, with the consequence of not being able to guarantee the non-interruption or non-disturbance of the service due to such problems. DONUM declines any and all responsibility for any problems that arise as a result of consulting this website or any external websites linked to it.

This website is governed by the internal regulations and statutes of DONUM as well as the applicable Portuguese and Community Law.